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Synergy Dotting Lifting 
世界首創 • SD聚點拉提技術

結合 MFU和 4 RF兩種著名的拉提技 術於同一治療頭, 便能在同時間內,
Combining two well-known lifting technologies of MFU and 4 RF in the same treatment applicators, it brings a double effect.

New Doublo SD 聚點拉提技術 MFU+4RF
Synergy Dotting Lifting 

4RF 能量輸出,能量更均勻,將熱量傳遞到表皮及真皮層中, 有效收緊鬆弛肌膚,撫平皺紋,加熱膠原組織激活並刺激 膠原蛋白和彈性蛋白增生,支撐表層肌膚,做到 緊緻嫩肌、撫平皺紋,令肌膚 回復彈性,同時 刺激體內血液及淋巴循環,有助將脂肪和毒素排出體外,改善浮腫及皮膚鬆弛問題。
4RF energy output, the energy is more uniform, the heat is transferred to the epidermis and dermis, effectively tightening the loose skin, smoothing wrinkles, heating the collagen tissue to activate and stimulate the proliferation of collagen and elastin, supporting the superficial skin, making it firm and tender Improves skin elasticity, smoothes wrinkles, restores elasticity to the skin, stimulates blood and lymphatic circulation in the body, helps expel fat and toxins from the body, and improves puffiness and skin sagging.

It also promotes cell renewal for long-term anti-aging effects, making skin firmer and plumper for a younger-looking appearance, while reducing fine lines, shrinking pores, and making skin more delicate.

New Doublo SD 聚點拉提技術 MFU+4RF
Synergy Dotting Lifting

再配合 SD聚點拉提技術發揮雙重效果,可提供精確而密集的超聲波能量,而且到達皮膚的深度 較射頻深,部份能量能刺激皮膚深層組織的膠原蛋白增生和重塑,刺激深層真皮組織產生新的膠原蛋白纖維。
Combined with the SD point-lifting technology to play a dual effect, it can provide precise and intensive ultrasonic energy, and the depth of reaching the skin is deeper than that of radio frequency. Part of the energy can stimulate the proliferation and remodeling of collagen in the deep tissue of the skin, and stimulate the deep dermis. New collagen fibers are produced.

而另一個好處就是具有 融化脂肪 的效果,對於關注面部、身體脂肪或面部及頸部肌肉下垂的人而言, SD 混合療法 深入內層、外層肌膚,同時拉提、填充,達致立體微雕,會更合適。
Another benefit is that it has the effect of melting fat. For those who are concerned about face, body fat or sagging facial and neck muscles, SD Hybrid Therapy penetrates deep into the inner and outer skin, while lifting and filling, achieving three-dimensional micro-sculpture, would be more appropriate.

完美視覺 | 精雕細琢
Perfect Vision | Crafted Contouring

請按相中或下面按鈕,可參看New Doublo™️4D立體無痛逆齡拉提 - SD聚點拉提技術視頻

緊緻拉提 • 回復飽滿彈性
Firming and Lifting • Restores Plumping and Elasticity

治療兩次, 每個月一次
After 2 treatments (Once per month)
治療兩次, 每個月一次
After 2 treatments (Once per month)

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